LupUp helps you discover cool new people in the same bar, restaurant, mall, hotel, club, airport and more…
As soon as you walk in the doors, LupUp instantly shows you the profiles of all the other people in that venue.
The people you meet are cool people just like you, hanging out in the same place at the same time.
See someone interesting? Send a friend request to start a conversation and chat/photo message inside the app.
Our in-app map shows you the hottest venues around your city, and the best places to meet new friends.
To make it even easier, we partner with these venues to get you special discounts and secret sales on the things you want.
Meet up face to face to share a discounted meal with a new friend, or redeem one of our secret sales codes and snap a fresh profile pic in a new pair of shoes.
LupUp is the introduction, and were doing our best to be the invitation too…
Download the app, and check us out on then let LupUp help you with the rest!